My daughter continues to amaze me. Her insight is brilliant and quite surprising. She’s my girl and my biggest teacher… A few weeks ago, while driving home from a friend’s house…
“Mama, I have something to tell you, but you can’t tell anyone, ok?”
“Sure., I said.
“Mama, I have these friends. They’re my future friends. They tell me things that will happen,” She stated confidently.
I hesitated to say anything. I figured she’s talking about imaginary friends. And since I had them too as a child, I didn’t think anything of it.
“Ok,” I replied. “So what did they tell you?”
“Well, they know a lot, but they don’t know everything. My future friends have other friends. And these friends know everything. These friends told my future friends and my future friends told me that I’m going to have a baby brother or baby sister. They told me that it’s already growing in your belly. Yup, it’s true,” she confirmed.
My eyes grew wild. What?! I was speechless. What energy is my child channeling? Because really, how would she know?
She talked about her future friends a bit more during that ride. And has brought them up a few more time since then. But, I don’t ask too much. I listen and I watch. As my curiosity grows about these “future friends,” my daughter is as happy as can be. What a gift… Imagination? Or perhaps something else? Either way, I’m amazed.
Yours Truly,
– Mother