This year will bring great new changes…
My baby will be born. My family will grow and my only child’s life will be as different as ours. A healthy baby is all I wish for.
Another change is my father’s health statues. I’m optimistic that the chemo will do its job and the tumors will stay abbey. I’m hopeful, he’s pain and fatigue will subside and he’ll return to a regular lifestyle. The other result is not an option…
2017 will be an important year. As I was told, 2016 was to change everything… and I mean EVERY thing. And so this year will activate the reacting forces. For every action there is a equal reaction. Though, what’s happening is out of my control. I do trust and believe the process of my journey here. I trust and believe it will all be okay. No matter how difficult it is at this moment.
It’s heart breaking to watch your loved one suffer. To know your stress is also somehow effecting your unborn child, and you try your best to stay calm. You try to do it all for your family and your children…. And then their is you. You keeping it all together, so it doesn’t fall apart. You try to remain as centered and balanced as possible. You smile and you believe… A deja vu…
I escape to a secret garden of hopes and dreams because that’s all I have.