Drunken minds willingly spill the truth. Some thing has emerged that I must get out on a page. Maybe it’s a bit shallow, or un-noble of me. But everyone has pet peeves, and this one has always been one of mines. No apologies.
They say that “imitation is the best form of flattery.” I enjoy complements. Hey, who doesn’t? But comparing, imitating, or trying to be like someone else, isn’t a complement. At least, I do not see it that way. In fact, when someone tries too hard, they become a cheap, knockoff version of the real product. It’s pathetic, somewhat obsessive and kind of sad, actually. Why not be yourself? Why not be the best version of the authentic you? Not one single human, out of seven billion, is the same. Why not build on that uniqueness? Enhance own beautiful features. Be yourself. Because really the only conclusion that is presented when imitating, is lack of intelligence, confidence and originality. It’s a fake persona.
Why do I care even a bit? Maybe because I know myself to be creative, unique and true to self. No one’s mind, soul and life is like mine. People grow and evolve through own experiences, failures and achievements. Sure, I try to model after others such as great teachers, spiritual leaders, artists, writers and authors. I learn and take lessons from their shared stories. I get inspired and motivated by connections and encounters with souls, which speak to my soul. The process of change is not intentional; it’s natural. However, when one imitates as a form of competition, then, to me that’s “plagiarism”- Steeling someone’s work without their permission… Instead, put in own sweat and labor hours. Examine own qualities, strengths and weaknesses. Build on own personality and appearance. And stop being a desperate attempt to be any one else, but your original Self!
The most attractive, beautiful and even sexy characteristic in any person is – Authenticity…The confidence to be self… Otherwise, they will always be two steps behind, trying to chase an unrealistic version of an image that is not theirs to represent. And at the end of the day, when there is no one there to listen or look; put away the attitude, undress the smirk, get a comfy set of true self, and enjoy a nice quiet evening with the one that knows you best- You. Trust yourself. Love yourself. And, damn it, find a good fitting pair of self Respect.
My unapologetic rant ends here. That’s it. Goodnight all!