Awakening to Love

Awakening to Love

I loved you then, love you now and will always love you. It’s unconditional. You are good and you are love. Everything else is not true because it’s based on fear. What you do, say or think, it doesn’t matter, unless it comes from love. Thoughts of guilt, judgment, blame are all an illusion, a perspective and manifestation of own thoughts. Love is real. Everything else is not. It’s important to be open minded and awakened, but it’s actually an open heart that we should all seek. Only an open heart can bring real understanding and awakening.

Being with love and in love is the highest of all highs. It’s when we are closest to God because that’s our source. We all came from one and if we connect with the One, then we can experience all possibilities, all love. The love we feel is due to being closes to our true source. It is greater and more powerful than anything else. A drug or alcohol high might last for hours, a sexual climax for seconds, but love-high can last forever because it doesn’t cloud the mind, but rather opens the heart.  During the period of the love-high, there is nothing else that feels as good. The world seems a happy, beautiful place and everyone is your friend. You smile at people, and you want to spread the happiness that is within. That’s love. That’s God. It is pouring out of your inner being, and you can’t get enough. God wants us to experience love, He wants us to be happy and have inner peace. He wants us to experience the life He has waiting for us. All we have to do is open our heart and receive it.

Why does love-high crash? It does because fear takes over and gives birth to doubt, guilt, and anger. We can’t bear to think that this is for us, and we could just have it without any consequences. It is fear that says, “wait a minute, what about all the other stuff, don’t you care about that?” And then the mind answers, “Oh, yeah, there is all the other stuff that I forgot existed.” Why do we forget? Because it doesn’t really exist in the heart, only love lives there, and everything else is a manifestation in the mind to fight the heart.

I’m not talking about romantic love or physical love. I’m talking about love that is within all of us, given by God, to spread and live in love; love for humanity, environment, the world. You are a soul in a body with the greatest potential to be truly awakened in love and accomplish something amazing in this life. God has given you many talents; don’t waste it because of fear. You are a seeker. You search for answers and ask important questions, but when you almost get what you’re looking for, when you’re almost find the key to unlock that gate, you turn around and walk away. You fear what is on the other side. You fear it might be too bright, too important, too amazing to handle. But it isn’t too much; it’s perfectly created just for you. You can make a different.  Just open your heart, receive what is yours, created and gifted by God, because we come from Him, and He wants us to shine and illustrate His greatness through our actions, through our life and love. Your heart has all you need, trust it, let it guide you, let love guide you and you will experience the love-high for eternity.

In relationships,  can infatuation or passion be true love? People say that the first phase of a relationship is infatuation and when it goes away, you ‘re left with reality. You begin to see the real person, their faults and imperfections and they begin to bother you. You begin to question your judgment and that’s when fear settles and you no longer feel the love you thought was so great. However,  passion for the other soul is the true love-high, and we could stay in that phase forever, only if we choose to. We have a choice to wake up every day and see the person full of love and give them full love. Nothing else exists, nothing else matters. You give and receive pure love. The high doesn’t end. You continue the relationship with goodness and care. No one is perfect, but it’s remembering the good and love that brings you to the place of love-high.

In other areas of our lives, we can apply the same concept. You must look at everything through the eyes of the heart, not the mind, and see goodness and love in everyone and everything. This implies that one must have a positive, caring and loving attitude, even if someone made you angry. To forgive, to let go of the past, and not to judge is a true form of love and living with and in the light of God. When we are able to do that, then the light will guide every one of us into the life we were meant to live. Every aspect of our personal life will fall into place, inner peace will fill our hearts, and possibilities will be endless. You must awake your heart to love, which is already in you. IT IS you.

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