Finding Ewa

Finding Ewa

I was instructed to close my eyes and put my hand over my heart, and name an image, word, or emotion that describes what was happening on the inside of my body. I wasn’t sure what to think of my physical reaction; though all I felt was imbalance and shakiness of all my internals.

I did, as I was told… One minutes, two minutes, nothing came… Shortly after it did… little sparkling particles, or dots appeared.  Thousands of small lights moving and shaking uncontrollably.  Next to them- a big black hole.

“Can you put one of these light particles into the hole?” I was asked.

“I can’t.” I said, “I’m trying, but some force is pushing it right back.”…

I waited. Patiently, I waited. And sure enough, one shiny speck made its way in. Slowly, it traveled all the way down into the darkness.

“Oh.. There it is. It’s down there, illuminating the hole. There is a light at the end of the tunnel,” I chuckled.

At last, one by one, the lights descended in a long chain. They no longer shook; instead they gently danced their way to the bottom… In time, all of them were there, glowing magnificently; Happily moving in a synchromatic unit of immeasurable energy…  And then, they began to expand and move up the tunnel. Up. Up. Up. Overflowing. Spilling through the ridge. Thousands and thousands of glorious stars casted an aurora desolating the nightly space.  

“I feel them. They’re beautiful… All of them. They’re amazing. So peaceful, and lightweight, and glorious.” I exhaled… Still keeping my eyes closed, and hand on my heart; these words followed… and I listened:

“Now, Ewa. Remember this. Remember all this is in you. It is you. Whenever you doubt yourself. Whenever you question your being. Whenever you feel lost or confused-Remember what you just experienced. Let it come back and be a reminder of who you are. – Regardless of what anyone says. Regardless of what they think… This is you, Ewa. This is YOU.”

Yours Truly,


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