I’ve been laying awake, afraid to fall asleep. As the house turns to quiet breaths, my thoughts are loud and my heart is screaming. I desperately try to calm the chatter and release it into the dark night.
Let it go! Let go my dear soul. Be free from the unreal and the unknown. The past carries too much sadness and guilt. That’s’ where depression lingers. The future holds too many possibilities. That’s where failure looms. It’s now that matters most. The present is the only truth that holds real meaning for you and the life that has been gifted to you. Focus, be grateful, smile…
I try to listen to my reason and logic. The heart is almost there too. Because above all things, I know very well that I am where I belong, and that this is just the beginning. It will all make sense once more. All is well. All is right. All is true. I am blessed…