The Heartbeat of the Universe. Are you ready to be intense with me? Just be!!!
A bleeding heart. A crying soul. A body on fire. Let’s fly away. Let’s just be. The dragon roars within.
Running, Running, Running in place.
Everyone’s a hero tonight. Everyone’s a bright light.
The heartbeat of the Universe. The music transforms into one energy. A spiritual trance. One beat, one mind, one body and soul. There is no stopping now. So just be. Be free! Feel it all over. Let it pour into you.
The army follows the rhythm. It’s a one man show. He’s in control. In unison they’ll do anything the music asks. They will love, they will scream, they will dance. Control- less. Beat. Beat. Beat of the drum. Beat of the heart. Pure love. LOVE. Peace.
Run. Run. Run. Faster, faster, faster. Go! Go! Go! Go! STOP!!!! Pause….Breath…. Feel….Just Feel.