Story Teller

Story Teller

If I’m a story teller then I would like to believe that my life is a story, which has a beginning, middle and an end. And like every story there are events and characters that enrich the adventure, because without it there would be nothing to tell. So, if I’m the main character, the hero, then there must be a villain as well. I believe that the hero and the villain are one and the same, I vs. Myself.  The two will argue, dislike and even fight with each other, but without a doubt, the hero will win. The hero always wins.  And certainly there are other characters that are embedded in this story of mine, which are the people that I encounter through out life, who help develop the plot to make it a good story.  But if I would like to make my story not just good, but great, then it must also contain experiences and lessons which guide the hero to develop, grow and change throughout the course of the events.  So, what would the genera of this saga be? Would I choose to write a drama? Romance? Perhaps science fiction or comedy? Or maybe it would be a fusion of all, creating a unique representation of the extraordinarily ordinary Me.

…we are all story tellers. What would you like your story to be?

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