Success comes at a price, they say. After three full weekends, I am feeling exhausted. Not a bad trade, though. Finding balance, and giving my body and mind a rest is the best that I can do, right now. I recognize this moment cannot be relived. Once in a lifetime experience- The first published book. The first book release party. The first recognition event. The first book signing. I do not doubt that this is just the beginning, because of course, it is. This process has been an extraordinary blessing. Doors are opening, ideas are flowing, and creativity is expanding. I am experiencing the Universe working and answering my deepest desire. I asked. I visualized. I moved one small step towards it, and it became reality. But I cannot take full credit for this accomplishment. For my parents have been working overtime to keep my heart strong. To keep me patient and forgiving of my own imperfections. Reaching out to them is one thing that kept me alive. I prayed for the heartache to subside. I prayed for finding my place. I released and surrendered to the will of the Universe, while repeating mantras for my emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. The events and experiences that lead me here, all make such perfect sense. Sometimes I wish to speak of what I saw and where I have been. Places where ego is nonexistent and the vastness of true self goes deep inside, rewiring what was some time, some how wrongly programed… But I’m cautious; my language and expression of the mystery and truth that lays beyond, can be far misunderstood. Those who speak this tongue are far few and in between.
Besides, consciously witnessing life unfolding, my vision reaches great distance. I see where I can potentially go. There is no limit to the scope of where my dream will take me. Gratitude pours through my tears and smiles. Happy tears. Happy smiles.
Today, being Mother’s Day, I selfishly took time to be by myself. Recharging. Rethinking… I count my blessings. My healthy, wonderful children. My beautiful, peaceful home. My supportive husband. My rewarding career. My BIG dream. My closest friends… It’s all I have, and it is sooo much to love and be grateful for… Success is just a cherry on top. A sweet treat to all that is already quite good.